Singapore General Hospital or SGH become the nation’s tertiary flagship hospital, with the multi-generational 7,000-strong diversified workforce together with the rich of medical history of 190 years. With National Specialty Centres which is at SGH campus, it offers 35 clinical specialties where Haematology, Nuclear Medicine, Renal Medicine, Orthopaedic Surgery, Plastic Surgery (Burns) and Pathology are being established as the national referral centres. It’s a site of training to Graduate Medical School for Duke-NUS and Lin NUS Yong Loo School of Medicine.
Singapore General Hospital Near to Silat Avenue
SGH is committed to offer the service the patients and to provide best and reasonable tertiary care service to the patients. This lead to the excellent service to the age-friendly people. SGH offers the emphasis on ability and the competence of every employee. There has been the introduction of programmes like job re-design job, counseling, and automation to customize training designed for the mature and the older employees. Singapore General Hospital is located at Silat Avenue near to Avenue South Residence.
Singapore General Hospital Location Near to Avenue South Residence
Singapore General Hospital has moved from the unilateral salary cut which is for the older worker who has chosen to extend their age of retirement from 60 years to 62 years. Instead, they’re assessed according to the set factors like job scope and performance. Older workers who’re still performing and productive to a full job space, will not have salary cut after the extension of the retirement. This becomes the best move to older workers who have experience and are still productive of adding value to the hospital.
All activities of SGH are related to the US federally supported by human subject research to comply with Terms of FWA (Federalwide Assurance) for the International (Non-US.) Institutions as stated in the US Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) website. This institution is comprehensive, integrated, and share the platform for a study of biomechanics and science in aging through in-vivo and in-vitro research and from the community. The top diseases they treat is cancer which becomes the top diseases that inflict both the morbidity and the mortality in the population. They give immune system to the patients who play a crucial role in maintaining wellness and health of human body.
Singapore General Hospital Singhealth Cluster
Singapore General Hospital has been supportive of Silver Connection movement which is the SingHealth cluster level which encourages the mature employees to retrain, refresh and remain employable. The resignation rate of the older employees is low to 2.9%, according to the 2009 figures. This makes the employees to feel well-recognized and also appreciated. The participation and statistics of older employees in the hospital-wide initiatives give the high level of the commitment and the loyalty to a hospital.